
About Dagoretti-South Constituency

Dagoretti South constituency was curved from the former greater Dagoretti. It’s in Nairobi County and its sub county is Dagoretti South Sub County with its offices based in Riruta Ward.
It has five wards namely: - Mutu-ini, Uthiru/Ruthimitu, Waithaka and Riruta, Ngando Wards.
The constituency borders Kibra constituency,Kikuyu Constituency, Dagoretti North, Langata Constituency and Kabete Constituency.
The main economic activities of the constituents are sale of animal products, real estate, entrepreneurial businesses, partly farming some of the wards.
The constituency has a population of persons as per the 2009 census is 178,691 persons.
The constituency has an area of 25.3 square kilometers.
The constituency has a peri-urban set up.
The committee challenges include the constituency has a large population of poor residents hence the number of applicants for bursary is overwhelming.
The constituency is mostly cosmopolitan, but the major tribes are the Kikuyu and Luo speaking communities.
Most of the residents of the Constituency are poor and depend on day to day income generating activities for their livelihood

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